Purpose |
PurposeThe Origins website contains documents related to the Creation and Evolution, along with some of the many connections to that broad subject, such as Heliocentrism, Abortion, and Racism.
Format of DocumentsAll of the documents on this website are delivered as Adobe Acrobat files. Please click here for a free download of the Adobe Acrobat Reader if you do not already have it installed. Web navigation is done using the BACK Button on your browser. Therefore, from any specific document, hit the BACK Button to return to the particular menu that got you to the document.The structure of the website is shown on the Site Map page.
About the webmasterThe webmaster of this site studied the Origins subject for more than 3 decades, and for more than 2 decades served as a volunteer international liaison person between others of like interests. Motivation derives from the urge to bear witness to truth, for the Greater Honor and Glory of the Creator.